the phab range
our products are
don’t take our word, take theirs
at phab, we believe you shouldn't have to choose between tasty and healthy. our nutritionist-approved snacks prove you can have the best of both worlds.
partners in crime and life, Gayatri and Ankit Chona might have the same goals but have always been on two opposing sides of the food spectrum. while Ankit is all about the flavour, gayatri’s all about the fuel. the only thing they both agree on is that it needs to be fun. and thus was born phab — a fusion of flavour, fuel, and fun. while Gayatri brings her expertise as a nutritionist and wellness coach, Ankit brings in his experience as a serial restaurateur and entrepreneur. after spending months in the lab with scientists, chefs and foodies, they created phab for people like themselves. for people who wanted the best of both worlds. for people with busy lives but who want to prioritise themselves and their loved ones. for people who refuse to settle or compromise. for people who want to live their best life, their most phabulous life
“this is the best protein bar here in the market! after trying almost all protein bars, i found that this bar tasted the least artificial ...